Open Bible

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Medium: Oil on Canvas

Artist: Chuck Marshall

The Bible is the sacred scriptures of Christianity. There are 66 books in Bibles used by Protestants and 73 in those used by Catholics and Orthodox faiths. The Bible is divided into two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is a term generated by Christians. Christianity, which grew out of the Judaic tradition with the teachings of Jesus Christ, includes the sacred writings of the Jewish faith in the Bible as the Old Testament. They are books contained in the Torah. The New Testament is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the writings of his disciples.

Many devoted Christians read the Bible daily. It is used to enhance prayer and to deepen spiritual growth. Note in the background the painting of Mother Teresa. Also, a Rosary has been placed in the fold of the open page. Also an aid to prayer, the Rosary helps the faithful to recall events in the life of Jesus Christ.