Harnessing the Immortal Soul within the Dynamic Universe

1. With a fair goal, the immortal soul appears in two unlikely facades: Immortal Universal Soul and Immortal Individual Spirit. In succession each cultivates more like an infant, a godlike babe, where one bares golden color and the other bares bright colors.

2. The ‘Golden’ Immortal Universal Soul, provided with creative powers, producing ten bright, shining vigilant, youthful daughters. Each daughter is blessed to produce infants, where each is born different and each bears a long pointed fulgent eternal flame, representing a heavenly ferocious fire, as the godhead (Agni).

3. Each manifested mortal embodiment contains an immortal individual living spirit, as the daughters come to appear at three places: A high ranking supreme within heaven itself (far beyond the sky), the mighty powers within mid-air (above the ground, but below the sky) and godly powers on the ground (in waters and within ground). Each serve their native splendors.

4. Within heaven, far beyond the sky, with the Divine Will the auspicious powers with reverence turns the manifested bodies by using the spiritual powers (Wise Ones). They appear calm, gentle, and tender appearing like a loving mother cow. They are called noble warriors (Aditya's).

5. The others who manifest within heaven, using physical power, appear as (Great Ones) just like a lion, where each tend to seek their own style depending upon the prevailing environments. Both noble warriors and ferocious warriors offer oblations and serve as the physical (Great Ones) and spiritual (Wise Ones) bringing unguent to smooth any rough spots.

6. Within mid-air (above the ground, but below the sky, the manifested mortal embodiment with immortal living spirit, come into existence. They stretch their mighty awful arms to access mother goddess (Savitr) with extend borders. They strive to connect with both Heaven on the top and the earthly region at the bottom. They come to draw forth a new embodiment from the “Heavenly Goddess Mother” and come to serve like a noble, splendor decking their home.

7. They receive the mythical juice, that forces them out of their body and skin turning their ancient vesture into a newer body. They learn to embellish like manifested noble souls, which go into the depths of divine wisdom and come to encompass all the space filled with air surrounding them. They connect with the godly powers and spread wide throughout the interstellar space.

8. Within the ground, located in the eastern terrestrial regions, they established their order, governed by the seasonality. By its own nature, as an infant, they are brought forth by (Asta Vastu) the godlike nature. They appear as an astral body placed within a mother's womb. Sitting within water, they blossom like seed, germs or as embryos.

9. They go forth and overtime manifest to appear within the womb. Like living things, they grow to become visible, fair with native brightness, and uplifted from the mother’s lap of waving waters. The ‘Mighty Powers’; see the manifested perishable mortal living things turning below in the ground all hidden within dry spots, cutting channels to fill streams.

10. With torrent waters overwhelmed with glistering floods. The dormant individual living spirit comes together and moves within the region with jaw eating fresh-sprouting food and grass creating new living things. They with the eternal flame, brings out the auspicious powers (Divine Will) which along the eternal law grants them mighty powers to bring with love godly powers, representing mother, to float and encompass all regions located between Earth and Heaven.

Ramesh Malhotra

successful business entrepreneur, philanthropist and author.


RIGVEDA: Manifestation of ‘Divine Will’


Creation of the Material World