William Rybolt

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Mine is not the typical story. I did not start drawing at age 4. I do not have a BFA or MFA in art. My desire to paint was born out of a love of art itself.

I was fortunate to be raised in a home where art was displayed and appreciated. Our family trips often centered on visits to galleries, museums and artists studios. We made frequent trips to the numerous artists located in Brown County, Indiana as well as those in Rockport and Gloucester, MA. Here in Cincinnati Herman and Bessie Wessel were friends of my parents. They were guests in our home on numerous occasions, and I have fond memories of visiting their home and studio. From this grew my own love of art and the desire to collect.

I started collecting art in high school and continue even today. I love all types of art, and as a result of my collecting, studied the history and philosophy of art at the University of Cincinnati. All of this led me to where I am today; an individual who in 1996 started to study how to draw and paint. Through this I hoped to gain an even greater understanding of what makes great art, and how it is made.


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