Dominique Amendola

Since the age of four, I have been drawing and painting. As a child, I followed in the footsteps of my father. Whenever he went out to do a Plein air painting, he would take me with him and with my paper and crayons, I did my own art. Often I painted what I saw within rather than what I had in front of my eyes.

After many years of artistic accomplishments, I find that I still prefer to paint the mystical aspect of the world; even so, I am also capable of painting a Plein air piece quite successfully.

I always thought I'd be an artist when I grew up. I was interested in learning all I could learn about the world around me, particularly the techniques of the old masters as well as the new ones. I studied in France, Italy, and India, and traveled all over the world. Making art is a fantastic process—hard to understand or really describe. It simply happens. Oh, there are lots of techniques to learn, lots of processes to figure out, and lots of studies to be made, but in the end, it is a culmination of more than all those things. It comes from inside, and it will not stand much shaping—all the studies and learned skills only help to give it a voice that is recognizable by others.


Patricia Bellerose